You're gonna' be big
This song is crazy man. You already had a strong grip on me as soon as the song started. If you would have used a better clap and maybe worked on the mastering and added some reeverb here and there, this song would be 2x as incredible.
Okay, you're all good in the lead and synths department. There are a few that need some work though (Eg. the synth at 0:39). The lead at 2:23 is awesome but it sounds like you have a multiband compressor or a soundgoodizier or something like that over it. Whatever it be, it sounds compressed and it's really now powerful enough (Also, the pad behind the lead at 2:23 would sound really sick if you dropped it chord, I think anyway).
You drums are the letdown to me. The only thing I like is the snare rolls. You kick over-powers at 2:48 and the clap is too short. If you used something that has a longer tail on it, it would work alot better and fit the sound of the song.
I like your hats but I don't think your hat-line is powerful enough but it's good. I'd add a couple percs to it but it's not really needed at all.
Your bass is okay but I think if you increased the low-bass and treble (after you've fixed the kick) it will really stand out and become more powerful. I know in songs like this, you need a hard, powerful bass that can really be heard and it doesn't really come across for me.
As for the composition. It's perfect. You've really caught a grip of the pro' sound everyone looks for and I applaud you on that. Anyways, great song, keep up the great work.