Pretty good!
Seems you got a pretty natural feel for house (considering this is the first house song I've heard from you so I'm assuming it's one of your first). I think you should concentrate on your instruments more than anything though. Your melodies and composition seem fine for now.
First, that god damn bass. It'd be pretty good if it wasn't so damn dirty. As I told you on msn, cut the high freq' on it and I'd boost the bass on it a bit (Just so it backs the song a little more and the bass is usually one of the main instruments in house so you want it to be PHAT!). Layering is a good idea too. As you'd probably know, the more you combine, experiment & play-around. The more of an understanding you'll have for mixing sounds and achieving certain sounds. It'll also add more character to the song.
The kick might need some tuning up afterwards so I'd just find a good balance in the low bass for both, the bass and kick then lower the mids on the kick (Not much though, we just wanna' saturate it a little and reduce the overhead sound on the kick).
Anyways, this is all I could strain out of my brain. Basically, this song needs some thump and HOPEFULLY what I've written will help you achieve that. Good luck!